Thursday, May 22, 2008

As I promised, grandchildren...

There are so many things I can brag about when it comes to grandchildren, I could fill pages and pages. But I will restrain myself from boring those who do not have grandchildren yet and because of that wouldn't understand why it is so important to brag on them. I do have a few very important things to say about some of them, though, so bear with me:

Kate just graduated fromHollins University (Roanoke) with her Bachelor of Arts degree, Phi Beta Kappa, and Cum Laude. Her grades placed her in the top 10 students of her class. She plans to attend NYU graduate school later this summer, so she will be moving to New York.

Greg was just offered a job with the New York Mets in their security department, so he will be moving to New York next month.

Matthew, who will be married in August, flew to Montana for a job interview as a music teacher in a Christian school. The location is not far from Glacier National Park and the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, on the west side of the Rocky Mountains.

Jonathan performed over Mothers Day Weekend in a "Festival of Faith" concert at Wheaton College (Chicago) where he attends the Conservatory of Music. Fortunately, it was broadcast online so we were able to watch it on a laptop computer! Outstanding job!

Stephen graduates from high school in June and plans to attend (at this moment) Mount Vernon Nazarene University in Mt. Vernon. Ohio.

Jesus Alfredo just finished an end-of-season baseball tournament in Orlando, where he plays several positions including Catcher.

Jessica still enjoys her year-round schedule for teaching 3rd graders in Wake County. She'll have a 3-week break starting in early June and plans to visit me for a few days. I'm looking forward to working together on some projects I've been saving for her the last several months.

Though there are several other grandchildren to brag about, I'll wait until another time to brag on them.

In the meantime, I'm taking Sonja to a weekend retreat in the mountains of Brevard tomorrow. We are so excited! We've started packing, making lists, checking lists, and packing some more. We'll be staying with my friend, Sue Dial, and she promises lots of fun things to do while we're there. I do hope your holiday weekend is fun, too!

1 comment:

Maria said...

You can and should brag on those grandkids!!! Every kid needs someone that thinks they're the greatest! That's what my parents do for my kids and all their grandkids. What a blessing...all those kids doing well and serving the Lord!