Happy New Year! It's almost halfway through the first month of the new year, and I'm just now posting my first post of 2011. It's been a busy year already. We started the year with a trip to Gatlinburg, TN, with our son and his family from Orlando, FL. There were 33 of us altogether, and most of them spoke Spanish with English as a 2nd language. Most of the family is from Colombia, and some of them still live there but were able to visit the USA for the holidays. I learned some new words (some cannot be repeated in public or in front of children), had lots of laughs, and felt special to be included in this wonderful group of people. It's always a treat to be with them, and by the end of each visit the language barrier seems like such a trivial obstacle.
Isn't this a great-looking family?
We are so blessed! Everyone had a great time: skiing, helicopter riding, swimming, cooking (yummmmm) and eating, playing games together, going to movies, and shopping were just some of the activities during our trip.
Now it's time to prepare for the birth of a new granddaughter! Tiffany Rose is expected to arrive in early May. Several dates have been batted around, but the one I like best if May 9, the day after my birthday. Can you imagine a sweeter birthday gift than the birth of a grandchild? Her maternal grandmother's birthday is also in May. This will be a special child! Aren't they all? Here is a photo of both grandmothers.
Mimi and Ita
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